This week was a good one! A weird but good one :) I was in the area of Adrogue to start off. It is a pretty rich area but I didn't complain too much cuz this apartment has a WASHING MACHINE!!!! Wooo hooo :) I washed my clothes for the first time in 9 months. For those who wonder, before, washing my clothes consisted of putting them in a bucket with water and soap and rubbing them together by hand, mostly to remove stains..... but now I have clean clothes and feel like a new person :) It is the little things in life right ? : )
This week my companions were Hermana Cantuario and Hermana Menzes from Brasil, both of them. So I learned lots of Portugese this week, cuz the 2 of them speak a LOT of it :) It was fun getting to know them and trying to figure out how to interact with them cuz holy cow, for those who don't know, Brazilians have really strong characters. Not as patient as Latinas (who aren't always very patient either) which can be a little frightening. But we all ended up as friends and had a good time :)
Even though, oh my goodness gracious, it was CALIENTE!!! And I mean hot guys. Let me just leave it at I am very grateful that in Arizona at least it is a dry heat and I don't feel so much the need to bathe 8 times a day.
But we were able to work super hard this week and we found a ton of new investigators and had a few people accept to be baptized and we finished the week content. Even though working here on the last day of the year was futile, we felt like we were just knocking doors while everyone was napping and we just woke them up and made them angry but oopsy :)
We had a good night to end the year, we had to be inside early for safety reasons, but the Bishops wife swung by the apartment to bring us ice cream and we made hamburgers and I made these Brazilians some good old American french fries
and we played some UNO and then la verdad I went to bed cuz I was dead tired after working all week in that heat!! But the booom boom of fireworks woke me up in the night and I watched a few minutes of those :)
I think my new assigment will really hit me this next week as I will be sleeping on an air mattress and living out of a suitcase. But one really cool part of my new assignment, I really feel a sense of urgency to the mission work. I only have 1 week to make a differance and change lives in an area, and I only have 18 months in Argentina to bring the most important message in the world to people. I cant wait to keep making the most of it :) Love you all :)
Hermana Walker
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