Hola todas. So this week has been a crazy week full of moments where I just have to think to myself... I have no idea what is going to happen next!
First off I spent Monday and part of Tuesday in a trio! Woo hoo rocking the trio! I was with my trainer and her new hija la Hermana Chaffin. It is kinda fun because Hna Chaffin is struggling with the same things I struggled with during my training so we click super well and it has been fun to hang out with her! Hna Medrano hasn't changed a bit!
Also I got my new comp and hija!!! Hermana Hernàndez from Mexico. She is super cute and we have a lot of work to do but she will be a great missionary! Right now she is kinda a lot missing family and food in Mexico and isn't really embracing yet the mission life but I just gotta lead out and be an example, right? :) She will be great!
We have had fun wandering around with our map in hand trying to figure out the new area, this area doesn't have a ton of investigators YET!!! But we are gonna work our tails off to find the people ready for us! Our area is huge and kinda confusing! But it is awesome!
On Friday we had a conference with Elder Packer, the son of the apostle and an area GA. He gave us some great ideas of how we can change the mission culture and improve it and he gave lots of great advice and I got to see lots of friends!
Working here has its perks for sure! for example.... WE had lunch yesterday with Presidente Calquin and his cute wife and it was awesome! A roast and yummy veggies and it made me super happy! And they shared super awesome stuff with us, ideas and ways to improve! And it made up for the fact that this week we don't have peope to feed us!
Also it has been fun and interesting living 4 hermanas in a pench! We sleep in the kitchen which is weird but it is fun!